Since it is not possible to run both ASP.1.1 and ASP.NET 2.0 in the same application pool, create a new application pool for .NET 20 applications and set the web site's application pool (Properties->Home Directory->Application Pool) to the new pool created. Do not forget to set (Properties->ASP.NET->ASP.NET version) the's version to 2.0!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Runnning ASP.1.1 and ASP.NET 2.0 in IIS 6.0
Posted by Goksel Misirli at Wednesday, December 20, 2006 0 comments
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
MovableType, XMLRPC, ATOM
Atom Api Spec: To get the list of APIs that are supported by your blog server: This link explains howto do it.
Typed Atom API:
Six Apart Atom Centre:
Rss Vs Atom
Atom Api in Movable Types:
Movable Type Developer Centre:
Atom Api Urls
To get the list of services sens a get request on the following URL:
This will give you a response in a similar format as below. For each blog set up on the server similar informarion will be returned.
<feed xmlns="">
<link xmlns="" type="application/x.atom+xml" rel="" href="" title="YOUR BLOG'S TITLE #8" />
<link xmlns="" type="application/x.atom+xml" rel="service.feed" href="" title="YOUR BLOG'S TITLE #8" />
<link xmlns="" type="application/x.atom+xml" rel="service.upload" href="" title="YOUR BLOG'S TITLE #8" />
<link xmlns="" type="application/x.atom+xml" rel="service.categories" href="" title="YOUR BLOG'S TITLE #8" />
<link xmlns="" type="text/html" rel="alternate" href="" title="YOUR BLOG'S TITLE #8" />
Each link returned in the response is actually a URL of another request. The response above gives us five different links for a blog which has an ID of 8. rel attrubute gives the information about the URL. The URL of the blog from where users can see it is given in the alternate link.
If you want to post something using the API then use the URL in the item which has "" rel attribute
If you want to retrieve data using the API then use the URL in the item which has "service.feed" rel attribute
To get the blog data:
As a default it will be returning the blog and its most recent 20 posts. The data is returned in a feed node having posts in entry tags. To diffrentiate the published and unpublisged posts, check the draft nodes inside each entries. If the entry is not published this node exists and its value becomes 'true'. If the entry is published, you may not be able to find it in the server's response.
Everything has a URL in Atom Api.
To get a specific post's data with the ID of 80 send a GET request on the following URL.
The data will be returned in one entry node.
To get the list of categories:
If you want to retrieve the list of categories using the API then use the URL in the item which has "service.categories" rel attribute.
While the username and password is sent in plain text using xmlrpc, it has to be sent encrypted in Atom Api. They do not use the logon password which you use it to logon to Movabletype. If you scroll down to Password section and to the bottom, you will see another password which is called "web services password". You will be using this password in both Apis and your username as you logon to Movabletype. Another problem is, instead of Author's display name, the username is returned inside an Entry node in Atom Api. It also returns the url and the email of the author. But in XmlRpc, there is no way to get the user details. You can only retrieve the details by providing the user's username and password. The other problem is, it returns the id, not even the username!! In XmlRpc there us no option to filter the unpublished posts. While it is very easy to get the most recent posts using XmlRpc, I could not find a way using Atom Api. Working on it!!!
If you want to implement those APIs, start by looking to Atomizer and Both are written in C# and working with Movabletypes.
In the of the HTML document, look for a link relation entitled "EditURI." It should look very similar to:
<link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="">
Cut and paste the value of the href attribute into your browser. This is the URL of the autodisovery document and contains a list of the APIs supported by the corresponding weblog.
To view your blog in atom format.
To view your blog in rss format.
Posted by Goksel Misirli at Wednesday, December 13, 2006 0 comments
Labels: atom, movabletype, xmlrpc
How to open a popup window using Javascript
<A href="<YOUR POP WINDOW>" onclick="OpenWindow(this.href);return false;">tell us online</A>
-Provide the link in both onclick and the link's href attribute
-Instead of passing the url twice, one in href and one in onclick event, refer to the link's href attribute.
-Return false at the end of onclick method.
These rules enables us to update the link only in place. If the javascript is not supportted by the browser, users will be able to navigate by the link provided in the href attribute like a normal navigation.
Let's open a window with dynamic height. The height of the window will be calculated according to the screen resolution. Th width is 760. So we will center the window in the screen.
var popupWindow = null;
function OpenWindow(link)
if (popupWindow != null){
if(!popupWindow .closed)
popupWindow .close();
//Adjust the height according to the screen resolution
var height =800;
var left=20;
if (window.screen && window.screen.height && window.screen.width)
height = screen.height-70;
left = screen.width/2-380;
popupWindow (link, 'popupwindow','top=5,width=760,left=' + left + ',' + 'height=' + height + ',scrollbars,resizable');
popupWindow .focus();
Posted by Goksel Misirli at Wednesday, December 13, 2006 0 comments
Labels: javascript, popup
How to implement CreateControlHierarcy in a Composite Control
There is a good article about how to implement a composite control and itexplains the usage of this method in detail.
CreateChildControls must accomplish at least the following tasks:
-Clear the Controls collection,
-Build the control's tree
-Clear the viewstate of child controls.
protected override void CreateChildControls()
//If it is not in design mode, get the posts and display them
if ((Page.Site == null) (!Page.Site.DesignMode))
else //Set design time properties
this.Width = 100;
this.Height = 10;
Posted by Goksel Misirli at Wednesday, December 13, 2006 0 comments
Monday, August 21, 2006
Design Patterns
Abstract Factory
- Use while creating dependent or related objects
- Better than using different constructors
- Use when do not know what type to construct exactly
- Uses abstract,virtual methods to return abstract classes or interfaces
- Encapsulate the construction of objects.
- Use while creating complex objects. Specify the type and hide details of the construction.
- Split the contruction into steps gaining more control of it instead of creating it at once.
- Similar to the factory classes but creates objects in more than one step.
- Subclasses decide which class to instantiate
- If you have objects that have common characteristics.
- If you are creating a class which is inherited from an interface and you have also other classes inherited from the same interface, the class that you are using to create objects is a factory class
- Uses abstract methods to return class types.
- It is common to use static factory methods.
- Creates objects in one step.
.NET ex: Convert.ToBoolean(aString)
- Create a prototype object to create other objects by copying it.
.NET ex: Inherit the prototype class from IClonable interface and implement both Shallow and DeepCopy methods in the Clone method. Use MemberwiseClone method for the shallow copying. For deep copying, serialize the object and return an object which is the deserialized form.
- Ensure that you have only one instance (Instantiation control) at a time and it is provided globally (Global access).
.NET Ex:
>public sealed class SingletonClass{
>>>private static readonly SingletonClass instance = new SingletonClass();
>>>private Singleton(){}
>>>public static SingletonClass SingletonInstance{
>>>>>>>>>return instance;
- Thread safety is guaranteed by the compiler.
- The instance is created the first time any member of the class is referenced(Lazy loading).
- The class is marked as sealed to prevent derivation, hence adding new instances.
- The variable is marked as read-only: It can only be assigned during static inialization or in a class contructor.
- The contsructor is marked as private: Cannot be instantiated outside of the class itself.
- Converts the interface of a class into another class helping the client to be able work with the expected interface.
- Especially useful while developing with 3rd party components, developing applications to work with existing components, integrations applications.
- Use to provide mapping between classes
.NET Ex: Runtime Callable Wrappers to work with COM components
- Decouples an abstraction from its implementation.
- Decouples the two end of an application (Client and the servicing part) so that two can vary independently
- Simple business data layer pattern can be an example. Business layer has higher level methods.
If the business layer is written using an interface which the data access layer is inherited, data layer methods can be changed without changing the business layer method and effecting clients at all. This pattern hence hides the implementation of concrete data classes.
- Use while dealing with hierarchical objects
- Define leaf and branch nodes which are inherited from the same interface
Ex: Tree control
- Extends an object's behaviour dynamically
- Wraps itself around the original class. Original class is usually passed as a parameter in the constructor.
- Usually, calls are passed to the original class and extra functionality is assed based on the results.
- Decorator class is inherited from the same base class as the original class hence can be called in the same way as the original class .
.NET Ex: BufferedStreamReader and Stream classes
- High level interface for the subsystems hence making a complex system easy to use for clients.
- Calls made by the client are passed to appropriate subsystems
- Exposes only the methods that need to be known by clients.
Ex: web Services, Service Oriented Architectures, Service layers between the presentation layers and the business classes
.NET Ex: SmtpMail class
- Uses sharing to support large number of fine grained objects efficiently.
- Flyweights objects are immutable.
- Used in memory management techniques
- Usually used with Factory classes. Factory classes create the Flyweight objects. Other classes request the flyweight objects from a factory class.
- Provides a place holder for another object to control access to it. It may be responsible for the creation and deletion of the main object.
- It can be used instead of the main object since it has the same interface and the clients may not know they are dealing with a proxy
- It may be responsible to communicate with a main object in a different domain
.NET Ex: Remoting: When an object is needed a proxy is created to send the request to the remote object
Chain of Responsibility
- Request is passed through a number of handler objects until an object handles it.
- The chain is created by several linked objects. Each object can handle the request or depending on the condition pass the request to the next handler in the chain.
- Client does not know which object in the chain can handle the request. (Loose coupling)
.NET Ex: Windows event model
- Encapsulates a request or an action as an object
- Helpful in systems where undoable operations are supported. Ex: Menuing systems, word processors, databases
- All the command are inherited from the same interface having Do and Undo methods
- Solves the problem creating a scripting language which should be mapped to a grammar
- Enhancement of the composite pattern
- Traverses through a collection of items without exposing its underlying representation
- Seperates the collection of objects from the traversal of these objects
- The collection may be an array, a list, a tree, a graph and must implement IEnumerable interface
- Coordinates objects encapsulating the interaction between them. All the interaction goes through the mediator.
- Facilitates closely coupled communication between different objects and object types.
- Each object knows its mediator, and the mediator knows its objects to mediate
- Useful when the objects need to know the every state change of other objects
- Use the mediator pattern when a central authority is needed over a group of objects
Ex: Chat applications
- Helps to restore an object’s previous state. Provides storage and restoration.
- An object passes a snapshot of its state to the mediator to store its current state. The object may be marked as serializable hence providing the exact state as it was before
- Memento object should be kept by another object.
Ex: Implementing undo operations in a database. Can be combined with the Command pattern to provide undo facility.
.NET Ex: Serialization
- Provides a one-to-many dependency between objects. When one object changes its state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.
- The object that changes its state sends a notification to its observers, the observer then updates the other objects
- Promotes loose coupling
.NET Ex: Delegates Events: Subjects, Delegates: Observers
- Allows an object to behave differently depending on its internal state
- All the state classes are inherited form one interface and each of them implements a behaviour associated with a particular state
- State is changed by the state classes if it needs to
- Instead of if case statements, it relies on polymorphism
Ex: Workflow systems
- Use this pattern to deal with a family of algorithms encapsulating each of them in an object. So that clients can change its strategies dynamically.
- Each strategy object is inherited form the same interface.
- Plug and play pattern. The method that is called by the client can be changed with any of the other Strategy class
- Provides extensibility and customization
.NET Ex: Delegates can also be used as a strategy pattern. ArrayList.Sort works on IComparer interface. Any class that implements this interface is basically a strategy class.
- Defines an algorithm but some steps are deferred to the subclasses to be implemented.
- Skelton of an algorithm is defined.
- Derived classes have the option to redefine or adjust certain steps
- Provides extensibility and customization
- Based on object inheritance. Microsoft append Core keyword to its virtual methods in the control classes allowing them to be overridden in the derived classes
Ex: Implementing an abstract class with some of the methods implemented and some are called in the class but not implemented as they are deferred to the derived classes for the implementation.
- Useful when a functional change is required to a collection of class.
- Defines a new operation without changing the hierarchy
- Developer must have written its classes to accept visitor classes anticipating functional adjustments may occur in future
Posted by Goksel Misirli at Monday, August 21, 2006 0 comments